Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Scarlet Oak Pond Bass Fishing 5/8/2013

Hello Again!

Largemouth Bass at Ramapo Reservation
As if I don't fish enough! Today's rainy weather had me in a bass fishing mood and so be it I did indulge. I headed up to Mahwah to fish Scarlet Oak Pond on the Ramapo Reservation. I have always seen a lot of big bass in that pond but rarely do you see someone catch. I guess the serious bass anglers head out to where they can put a boat in as there are no boats allowed here.
Rain has a tendency to get largemouth bass real hungry and feeding on top. So instinctively I went down to Dick's sporting goods and got me some jitterbugs, a popper or two and an array of plastic worms. Needless to say...  as soon as I arrived at the park the rain stopped! Go figure!!!
Anyhow, after a futile attempt of fishing jitterbugs, I switched to plastic worms. In particular, I like to use a purple worm with a hot pink or blaze orange fire tail. I simply threaded it on to a weed-less hook and cast it out with no weight. After letting it settle to the bottom I would simply raise the rod up reel in about three feet and drop it back. I like to let the line just lay on the surface and watch it for movement.
After the first half hour of fishing my Tracy called.  I cant tell you how many times she calls and no sooner I get a bite! I think she infuses me with hillbilly karma and some how the fish know it! Nevertheless my line started moving and upon setting the hook, I landed the first of three bass. None of them were real monsters, all about a foot or so long, but they certainly were fun on my light spinning tackle.
After about two hours total of fishing I called it quits. No sooner then I get back on the road what happens? IT STARTS RAINING AGAIN! ....DANG! Oh well like they say that's life! All in all it still was a fun afternoon of fishing.
Keep'n it reel!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Take a Kid Fishing? Well worth it!!! 5/7/2013

Hi Folks,

The future of fishing in New Jersey depends upon breaking in the anglers of tomorrow! What a better way to break in a new angler then to get him or her hooked up with a big fish! Tonight I took my friend Lynne's nine year old son Thomas down to the Saddle Brook Park to try and catch one of the many big carp that call the duck pond home.
Myself and Thomas with his carp
Now I grew up fishing in that park and have had many surprises on the end of my line. Everything from the biggest large mouth bass I ever caught to cat fish and even snapping turtles all have been dragged ashore on one trip or another. So if I can tell ya I know the place like the back of my hand well, I know it that well indeed!
So tonight I targeted carp knowing that a young boy fighting a big fish may nurture the interest. I stopped at the super market and picked up my favorite bait of choice for carp... corn! Yes just a small can of whole yellow corn kernels to be used as both bait and chum. Sure there are many that like to use white bread or dough mixes to catch carp however I found that the most consistent bait in the SB Park is by far corn.
So needless to say we arrived at the park and I began to throw out some corn for chum and baited up the hook. There were plenty of fish coming into the corn chum but at first none were interested in the corn on my hook. That being said it was hard to hold the attention of young Thomas, but one most demonstrate the power of persistence and continue to try until every last second of the day is exhausted. I did just that and on what was to be the second to last cast my line started move out with the surge of a big fish! I quickly rounded up the boy and put the rod in his hands and the fight was on!
Now carp have come to bare some fairly harsh words in the past from local anglers referring to them as trash fish. Modern day anglers have acknowledged that these fish put up one hell of a fight and carp fishing competitions have sprung up around many parts of the country. They are now even referred to as freshwater bonefish by some folks. Carp can grow huge up to 50 or 60 lbs. however most average anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs.
When Thomas took the rod his eyes got wide and I believe he was quite astonished by the strength and size of the fish on his line! The fish made several powerful runs and even took an enthusiastic jump. Thomas looked up at me and said "I don't know if I could reel this in!" I said "Sure you can" and I assisted him in keeping the rod up high so he wouldn't lose the fish. After about 7 minutes of fighting he finally dragged the beast ashore. It probable weighed about 4 to 5 lbs. but it was the biggest fish the boy had ever caught! The smile on his face was priceless and that's what makes it all worth it!
Hopefully this fishing trip will leave a lasting impression and give him the interest to continue fishing! That's what its all about... passing the torch! So I say to my readers...Take a kid fishing!
Keep'n it reel!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Connecticut's Salmon River Trout 5/5/2013

Howdy Folks!

Rainbow Trout 

I would just like to start out by saying what a beautiful day it was today! The only thing missing was my Tracy who was stuck at home doing schoolwork. :( Anyhow, I couldn't resist the urge to cast a line and all I can say was I am glad I did just that!
Today I decided to head out to the Salmon River this morning and upon arriving I was surprised to see a rather light crowd. I'd say I may have seen about 12 people on the whole 1/4 mile stretch that I fished today. Well it certainly wasn't for any lack of fish because there were plenty to catch!

On the first hole I fished, one of the 12 people I saw decided that he was gonna just jump right on top of me and fish the same spot. I mean really he came from upstream and got in the water maybe 8 feet away from me and started casting literally on top of me. Then the jackass had the nerve to catch a fish and lay claim that his salmon eggs were the bait of choice! We'll I took care of that real quick! After moving about 5 yards away from him I caught two in a row on worms. Who had the better bait now?

Beyond mister non-courteous, everyone else I talked to were very nice and I even pointed out where some fish were laying to a couple of youngsters in the hope that they would catch.

Atlantic Salmon Parr 
All in all I caught 8 trout total with 5 being rainbows and 3 browns. Also in the mix today were plenty of 6 to 7 inch Atlantic Salmon Parr who just couldn't resist a fat juicy worm! All participating fish were released with sore jaws and a story to tell their friends!
The Salmon River was teaming with life today with all kinds of minnows, river chubs and insect life. I hope next time to see some surface activity in the hope that I can drag the fly rod out for some dry fly fun!
Oh well, I'm back in Jersey this week and I have at least one trip to the Ramapo planned and next weekend I will be back at the Jersey shore for some more action on Great Bay.
Keepin it Reel

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Blues Blues Blues!!! 5/3/2013

Hi Folks,

Bluefish caught near Mystic Beach
Yesterday I had to work down in Little Egg Harbor and somehow between computer servicing I managed to pull off an hour or so of fishing!

I heard the bluefish were in thick and I figured I would give it a go.

After a brief stop at the famed Scott's Bait -n- Tackle to pick up a frozen mackerel, I headed down to the end of Radio Road to Mystic Beach. 

It was the last hour of incoming tide with a stiff 20kt wind coming out of the east. Within a few minutes of my first cast I had the first bluefish on and landed it. I got bite after bite and landed three more and lost several others. All the fish were in the 2lb range which are perfect eating size! It was a great hour of fishing!

As with all good things it had to end as work beckoned once again. I packed my gear and headed back to Scotty's to go filet some fish.

It was a nice break from the trout streams however I will be back at it I'm sure next week!

Til then stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Tuesday Afternoon Ramapa Trip 4/30/2013

Hello Blog Readers!

Haven't been out for a little bit as my world has been busy with work, parties and other activities! Yesterday I finally got out for a couple of hours and fished the Ramapo River on the Oakland side.

To be short and sweet, I managed to catch 4 rainbow trout and one small mouth bass in two hours of fishing. The weather was nice but the water was a bit dirty with lots of brown slimy algae floating about....YUCK!

After that I was tired and hungry so I went home. I hope to get down the shore soon to try some surf fishing I will keep ya posted.

Keepin it reel
Tommy P.